Sunday, September 17, 2017

Comment Wall: Olympus University

Check out my Storybook where I'll be retelling Greek Myths in the modern setting of college!


  1. Hi there Kelly! It's really nice to meet ya! First off, I think the layout of your website looks really nice! Like the images are nice and sharp, and the organization is clean! You have a cover page, which is good, and it leads to a introduction page (or welcome for your sake), which is even better. I will have to say, however, that your welcome page kinda threw me off in terms of what the main idea of the story is. I am following the tone of your voice 100%, but it doesn't exactly seem to fit the main idea of the Oddessy. Granted, your welcome page did not give a ton of insight as to what the remaining stories will be about, but if done correctly I guess I could see that working for you. But for right now, I would consider using old-english verbiage along with your fun-style of writing, just to make it more authentic!!

  2. Hey Kelly! What a clever set up! When you mentioned the Big 12 I laughed out loud. Have you ever heard of Percy Jackson? It's a series of books which imagine the Greek gods and goddesses if they continued living into our time. So you have Percy running out the United States discovering how intertwined our society is with Greek mythology. Maybe something fun to look into that may inspire some of your stories!
    I am interested to see how it will continue. Will it be told from the perspective of Odysseus? Will each story tell a different character's story from their own perspective? While I like the "Gossip Girl" voice you mentioned, I think it's important to really get into the head of your narrator. For example, the Nobody reference seemed to come out of left field as it didn't fit with what you were saying before. Is this going to be an anonymous diary that gets around the school? Is Odysseus an official of the university contacting prospective/incoming students? What's his story? While you may develop this overtime, I think it's important to get this all out in the introduction so that reader doesn't feel like she'll be moving forward blindly. But you've done some great work here and I am excited to read more!

  3. Hi Kelly, I absolutely love your banner photo for your storybook. The title is also very intriguing. I honestly didn’t even notice that Olympus University is the acronym for OU until you mentioned it in your author’s note, it works out so perfectly. I love how you went with a gossip girl style. The setting for greek mythology can sometimes be hard to understand or interpret if you’re not used to reading it but your writing is very smooth and easy to follow. I also like that you ended the welcome letter with “Nobody” as the name. I am so excited to read the stories that you’ll be adding to your storybook! Your storybook kind of reminds me of Hogwarts but for Greek Gods and Goddesses which is so exciting! Greek mythology is my favorite so I’m excited to see how it’ll be in a more modern setting that you have put it in.

  4. Hey Kelly. First off I absolutely love the idea you have here and the basis of it. Honestly wish I would have thought of it haha. Okay, the introduction is priceless. I good intruded into what the reader should expect in the upcoming stories as well as a light and funny atmosphere, great! I liked the use of a welcome letter to your advantage as really engaging the reader into the story. The only thing that I may have concern about is the background of the narrator. This may develop as the stories develop of maybe you have surprise at the end of the readings that will show who it is. I also was wondering if this was like a class or a orientation that the Greek gods and goddesses had to take or not. Anyways great job and I look forward to getting to hear more about the BIG 12 and OU :).

  5. I really love this concept! It’s so creative. I’m very curious to see how you take these classic stories and apply them to a college setting. Will this be a story only about the Orion constellation or will it be a series of stories about the other characters you mentioned? You may consider clearing that up a little. I think either option would be really fun to read and probably fun for you to write! I also think maybe you could establish who Nobody is within the school, and what role that will play in telling your stories. Like are you a professor, a student, etc? That could make your perspective interesting. Other than that I think you set your storybook up very well and in a very clever way! I’m hoping you incorporate the whole Nobody thing in there somehow, because I think that could be really really cool!

  6. Hi Kelly!
    Wow, what a great introduction! I have to tell you, I was really upset when there was not a story to follow that welcoming letter. The introduction was so so so good. I really liked how you related it to the lives of everyone in this class by making it about OU. The Greek mythology is always interesting and I have taken some time to read into some of the Greek stories. There is a lot up in the air right now, which I assume is intentional? I mean like I said, I wanted to read more. Maybe clarify what PR means because in my mind it means something probably completely different than what you're meaning. Other than that I really hope to come across your page again soon because I want to read the stories that follow. Good luck in your writings.

    Thanks so much!

  7. Hey Kelly! I am from the Indian Epic class but I took Mythology and Folklore last semester. I saw your project and I couldn't help but click on your link. I am a huge fan of Greek mythology. You picked such an interesting topic! You did a great job on your homepage. Your welcome letter was very clever too. I liked how Olympus university is abbreviated OU. I really enjoyed your project very much. Not only was it absolutely unique but it was very well though out and written. Your pictures fit well with the content and the writing spikes the readers interest perfectly. I do have some suggestions that you might feel that would add to your already amazing project. What if you added a school emblem or something? Like maybe out of the symbols of the three main Gods like Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. Also maybe add a motto or something like that in Greek under the emblem. Either way, you did an such an amazing job!

  8. Hi Kelly! Your project is absolutely hilarious! I was quite literally laughing out loud. You have been super creative in coming up with all of these things, and I think you've been great at keeping it kind of detailed, but not weighing the story down. I especially liked that you threw in the OU/UT rivalry. I'm not a huge football fan so it took me a minute to catch on to the joke, but when I did it was fantastic! Your writing style comes across as really conversational, which I think adds the narrative you're trying to tell, since it is set in a modern day college campus. I'm interested to see what other myths you plan to incorporate. Will other people or gods make an appearance? I think it could also be funny if you add in some of the other struggles an average college student has, like classes, getting a job, taking naps, things like that. It would be cool to see how college student Olympian gods react to things like that.

  9. Kelly, I was excited to see where you were heading with this Storybook. I honestly enjoy the idea of modernizing Greek Myths while maintaining also the drama. I have to say that you did a nice job in delivering that idea. I also really liked your reference with the character Nobody. I was curious, are the stories going to be told from Nobody’s perspective? Are the stories coming from a primary source or are they just being told from like a chain of informants? I enjoyed how you modernized the idea of the Trojan War and transformed into a football rivalry, it seems really fitting to the idea of your storybook. I’m glad you omitted the judging of naked goddesses, I agree that it definitely would be creepy in a modern telling. Like you mentioned in your Storybook, there are quite a number of shenanigans you could cover. I can’t wait to read more of your stories.

  10. Kelly, I would first like to say that your website looks great and was easy to navigate. Now for your introduction and story. I think the thing I liked most about your writing is the informality of it. What I mean by this is that it felt it didn’t feel like I was reading a typical story, which I appreciated. My favorite line from the story is when you mention all the beautiful people in the room and then you hate on Hermes for no reason. It was a good comedic moment. Although I like how you don’t say who the author of these writings is by saying “Nobody,” I am curious to know if you are eventually going to reveal who it is. What if you tell the reader who “Nobody” is at the beginning? I am mostly only suggesting this because most students are probably only going to visit your website once this semester.

  11. Hey Kelly!
    This is a project I read the intoduction for and all I could think of was, "How are they going to make this work?" Well you did which is awesome! I love the idea of the Greek gods just being this rambunctious college kids and then exaggerating the stories for PR. My one qualm with the introduction would be that you sign off as nobody. That feels like a purposeful decision and as if it comes from somewhere in mythology, I haven't read these stories being from the other class and I would love even a brief explanation about it.
    I think you did a great job translating the Trojan war into a football game. Intrinsically it is a very funny comparison and you play off that very well.

  12. Hi Kelly!
    Your Storybook is so humorous and fun to read, which I really appreciate! I like the connections you made between Olympus University/University of Troy and OU/UT. So funny! Even to someone like me who isn't super into football, the connection was obvious right away and made me laugh. The premise of your second story is especially funny - the idea of comparing hazing to Hercules' labors is very creative, and you were able to pull it off without condemning frats. I'm not in Greek life, so some of the terms you used were a bit confusing to me. (Are pledge trainers and pledge fight nights real things? And I don't know what an active is.) I know it might weigh your story down to include definitions of frat terms, and I think the majority of your audience will understand the terms, but I just wanted to let you know that some people might not understand. I think the way you modernized each labor was so clever, and I really enjoyed seeing how you re-thought each one for college! If you are looking for a way to revise, maybe you could go into more detail for a few of the stories. Many of them have unanswered questions that you could dwell on if you wish! For example, how did Hercules manage to get the lion from Nemea? Again, I really appreciate how much humor you put into this, and I'm excited to see what else you write!

  13. Kelly!
    I absolutely love that Olypmic University’s acronym is OU, just because we’re at OU too. Now, onto your Storybook. Greek Mythology is one of my favorite subjects to read/learn about, so the fact that you’re focusing on it makes my heart happy. Making your Storybook into one about a University makes it more modern and relatable to your readers, and the audience is able to learn about the tales in a way that is familiar to what they’re going through in their everyday lives. For your stories, I’m glad that you’re choosing a variety of demigod/human stories rather than tales about the actual gods, because it is easier for readers to understand who the gods are and what their personalities are through their interactions with human beings. The only thing that I have to criticize is that you should make the first part of Hercules’ take a little longer, just because I was invested in the first story, and this one left me hanging. Other than that, good job!

  14. Kelly, I think you did a great job with this project. I think the concept of the university theme is really great for the class because everyone can relate to it. I also loved the fact that your stories related to things that are currently happening on campus. I think one thing you should work on is choosing who is writing the stories on campus. Is it in the school newspaper and should be more formal, or is a student who is writing a blog that everyone reads. Either one has good perspective, but by clearing it up it may help the reader follow it a bit better. Other then that I think you have a great piece and you should continue writing more. I think that it is a fun way that students can relate some of the most common myths to real life. I can’t wait to read more!

  15. Hi Kelly!

    Wow, I just want to tell you how much I loved what you have done with your project. Never would I be able to combine both OU and Greek Mythology together, and you have done the impossible for me! I really like how you've incorporated both OU culture and Greek culture into stories like a mashup. My favorite story by FAR has to be the OU/Trojan rivalry. I laughed out loud multiple times and found this story very well written. The author's notes in all of your stories have been very helpful in understanding what you were trying to accomplish with each story, what you changed, and what we, as readers, should have noticed. The image selection is great, and really brings together the feel of your storybook. I don't really have any critiques, but you did a wonderful job! Good luck with the rest of your project!

  16. Hey there again Kelly! I was just coming back to check out how your storybook was coming along since I had seen it last. I am very impressed with the character you have given the story! I figured from you using OU as kind of your basis there would be ties to the University, but I didn't know exactly how well you would have put it together. I really enjoyed you used the battle of Troy story and played that into your story with the "Judgement of Paris". I think that would cause strife between any two Universities! I also really liked how you used your own words and made it a laid back kind of reading. It was very modern and fun to read! This type of writing was also fun to see in the third story you had. "Hercules was a super cool dude," that's awesome haha. Anyways I'm glad I came back and checked yours out I really enjoyed it! Great Job.

  17. Hey Kelly. I really enjoyed your stories. My favorite was the story of the OU/Trojan rivaly. I also laughed when you mentioned that the war/rivalry started because of typical girl drama. I also really enjoyed how you're writing your stories as though you are talking to new students here at OU. The style of writing you used was very fun to read and helped the reader connect by using modern day references. Awesome job.

  18. Hey Kelly,

    Great progress with your project! It is really coming together! I really like that your style of writing is borderline satirical. It is really cool to see that your stories are shaped by OU itself! For example, the fact that you wrote about the OU/Trojan game on the weekend of the OU/Texas game is really fun, and it shows us readers that your storybook is truly developing in front of our eyes!

    Revision wise, I feel that your stories are great! I might suggest that you can try making one of your stories less like a post and more like an actual story. You do a great job of satirizing known Greek myths, so I think it would only be right for you to truly flush out these stories by, at least for one story, to forget the fact you are writing it as a new story editor. Great job!

  19. Hey Kelly, what a great idea for your storybook. I think calling Olympus University OU was a really creative thing, and I loved how you made it so relatable to the University of Oklahoma itself: especially since it is something that we all know and love! I too chose to incorporate Greek mythology into my storybook so I loved reading your stories and seeing how you took this common inspiration and made it into your own thing. It was really resourceful to make all these Greek mythology events and relate them to stuff, like football and fraternity life and drama, which everyone is familiar with. I thought your pictures did a great job of helping visualize what you were writing about too, but it could be cool to add some pictures of the Greek characters as well. Just the humor and nature of your writing was so fun, which made this really easy to read. The -nobody part is cool too because it makes the reader really wonder who they are. Maybe in the end you could reveal them as a part of one of your stories. Overall really creative project and I hope I can check back in and see how it all ends!

  20. Hi Kelly! I wanted to check back in with your project because I really liked the welcome letter and Judgement of Paris stories that I read a few weeks ago! I think you've edited them since I was last here, because I don't remember that bit about Paris' bull, but I think it's a nice addition to the story. In the first part of the labors of Hercules, it's a little confusing when you go back and forth from saying 10 labors to 12. I know you explain it in the Author's Note, but you might want to add something into the story. Part two of Hercules Trails is just as hilarious as the rest of your stories. These are really great! I like that there are a couple where Hercules just did the normal thing, like asking for the belt, or babysitting Cerberus. It made it feel more like college! I don't think there's any issue with the Greek system and the way you've written these. It's just a really fun story!

  21. Hi Kelly! This is such a fantastic premise for a storybook. Calling Olympus University OU and University of Troy UT was an especially good touch, and I like that you get into some of the pettiness and strangeness of college rivalries, and I love that you use real relationships and characters from Greek mythology in your retelling. I also love that you've picked Hercules as the resident Cool Guy in the beginning of your first part of the story about him — that totally works with a readers' general knowledge of Hercules. I thought you handled the dichotomy between greek life and Greek life in a smart way. Also, the phrase "permanent hotbox" in your second part made me laugh out loud, as did referring to Hercule as a "frat god." You have seriously the perfect tone on these stories, and I hope I can come back to read more from you before the semester is up!

  22. Hello Kelly!
    This is a wonderful take on Greek mythology! Very creative. "Olympus University" cracked me up, especially because it draws a parallel to OU. River Styx Rivalry showdown was funny too.
    The story of Paris was a wonderful modern version of the story. I like how the story feels like someone is telling it to you.
    Your telling of Hercules' 12 labors was very well thought out. Each task is accounted for. One can tell that you put a lot of time and effort into this. You handle the greek life thing very well, as you pointed out, it is a touchy subject sometimes. Thank you for some wonderful stories.

  23. Hi Kelly!
    I'm excited I finally came across your project, even though it's so late in the semester. First, I like the design of your website. It's very simple but it looks neat and it's easy to navigate. Your idea for your project is brilliant and I love that you incorporated our university with Olympus University (OU). In The Judgement of Paris, it's interesting that you used the concept of the River Styx Rivalry Showdown and all of the OU student readers get the inside joke reference. The fact that you used a letter addressed to the students in all of your stories is super cool. That's a new way to tell stories that I don't think I've seen so far! My favorite story was the one about Hercules and I like how you included two parts since it was such a long story. Good luck on the rest of the semester and with finishing your project!

  24. Kelly your project is such a hit! Great job! I have absolutely loved getting to read it! I - like everyone else - loved how you made Olympus University into an analogy for OU / Texas - so fun! I feel like that is one of the best things about your project it really has something everyone can relate to. It's set on a college campus and it has some links to Percy Jackson, a popular book series that a lot of us have read. Overall I really enjoyed the sense of humor that you incorporated into the project, I think mythology can take itself a little too seriously (especially when you consider all the crazy things that go on in some of these stories ) and I feel like your project really brings a fun and lighthearted element to these stories! I also appreciated that although you modernized the stories you took a lot of time to make sure the major themes were still incorporated - like you did i your Heracles and the 12 tasks story! And I mean if Heracles isn't a frat god I don't know who is!! Great work on your project it was such a joy to read and so very well thought out! Keep up the great work and good luck going into finals!

  25. Hi Kelly!

    I read your introduction way back when we first published those, and your premise really caught my eye. So I thought I would check back in and read your stories! I loved them all, but I’ll focus on the first one for my comment. I think it’s really such a clever concept and you did a great job with it. You did a great job of relating all the characters to who they would be in college, and making the situations more lighthearted and funny so that they fit the life of a college student. One thing I wondered about was why Zeus had Hermes take the girls to Paris. Why didn’t he do it himself? I like that you left the ending somewhat ambiguous so that the reader could imagine for themselves what happened. Overall you did a really great job with your story book! I loved reading it!

  26. Hi Kelly! I came back to give your storybook one last read of the semester, and I'm glad I did! I though your story about Orion was short and smart, and wow, Apollo is a terribly mean twin but also pretty smart to be able to use Artemis's competition against her. You strike such a good tone on all of your stories, and this one was no exception — it's so casual and witty, it really feels like an older student giving a younger student the lay of the land. And the way you've drawn some similarities between the two OUs — the University of Oklahoma and Olympus University — just makes it an extra fun read for OU students. Great job this semester, and enjoy your winter break!

  27. Hello Kelly!
    This was an enjoyable story. As someone who has seen the ins and outs of how schools work I could relate to the telling of this story. I laughed multiple times reading your entries to the story and it brought a smile to my face with the name, let alone the similarities between your OU in the story and the OU we all attend. Greek mythology is sometimes a hard read and telling it like this is a way to gravitate towards a broader audience. Like Disney did with the animated Hercules and the Percy Jackson series did for a lot of people growing up. Your story follows that trend of humor and relatability to multiple generations. I am glad that you spread the 12 labors over 2 entries as that would have to be trimmed down a lot and lose some important details if you tried to do it in one.

  28. Hi again Kelly!

    I was super excited to read how you were wrapping up your story book and I wasn’t disappointed! I still just really love the concept of your storybook and I think you did such a great job executing it! It’s funny and so accurate to how these gods and goddess would actually be if they were college students. The tasks for Hercules were super creative! I liked how you came up with alternate, less dangerous versions of the tasks! I would have liked more insight into why Apollo didn’t like Orion, or why he resorted to killing him. It seems a little harsh. And were there any repurcussions? Other than that I think you did a great job and I really enjoyed reading your story book throughout the course of the semester. It was definitely one of my favorites and it was a great read every time!

  29. Hi, Kelly! I remember reading and enjoying your first story. I really like the concept of your storybook, so I decided to revisit it and read what else you have written. I like that while most of the story is realistic, there are some parts that are still mythical. It helps tie the story back to its original tale. It was an interesting idea, mixing Greek life with Greek mythology, it seems fitting. Each of Hercules’ task were fun to read and I liked the way you managed to carry them out in a modern setting. I like that even the narrator doesn’t know everything, like the eight labor. It makes the narrator appear like an everyday person just retelling the story to someone. The ninth labor was a really nice change of pace from all these mascot taking tasks, especially because it was only due to King E’s misconceptions. This storybook was really interesting to read and I enjoyed doing so.
