Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Reading Notes: Tales of a Parrot, Part B

Okay so by this point I've discovered that nothing makes sense! All the stories directly contradict each other, the parrot is reverse psychology-ing to the point where any reasonable person would have figured out what he is doing, and Khojisteh should just go see the lover and accept the shame of it because she is too stupid to figure out she is being tricked by a BIRD!

A King Falls in Love and the End of Khojisteh

I read this entire convoluted, mess of a story for that ending?! It didn't even make sense! Either I missed something or there are just too many plot holes for anyone to follow this story! When did Khojisteh ever meet the suitor so that she could kill him? Did she really kill him or did the parrot make that up? Why did the parrot go through all that trouble of telling a story every night just to have her killed in the end? Why is the parrot such a little sociopath? I have so many questions that were left unanswered because the ending was so rushed! I thought everything was going to tie together nicely in the end but it didn't and I'm so confused! What was the point of the story then? The messages I learned were all about how to be a worse person and screw people over.......... omigosh I get it. The bird was doing that all along. He was setting her up the entire time to be killed. He was telling her all of these terrible stories about getting away with bad deeds and in the other stories goodness rarely prevailed. They would do terrible things, confess, and still get killed or shamed or something equally terrible. I figured it out! Omigosh!

(Gif from Giphy)

Bibliography. The Tooti Nameh or Tales of a Parrot by Ziya'al-Din Nakhshabi, links to the reading here

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