Friday, September 1, 2017

Topic Brainstorm

Greek Gods and Goddesses

Lets just start with the obvious here, I have mentioned multiple times that I really like Greek Mythology and I think so much can be done with the gods and goddesses. Most of my knowledge about Greek Mythology is from the Percy Jackson series but because of my love for it I managed to do some projects in high school about the subject. The only problem I see myself having while doing this project is coming up with a an original concept because there are already a lot of storybooks about them. I would like to learn more about some of the goddesses and maybe some about the lesser known gods and goddesses.

One of my favorite myths is about how the constellation Orion came to be and how that affected the goddess, Artemis. I would like to do something with that story because it is a really beautiful story and it shows a softer side of the gods. I know that a lot of the Olympians had lovers and I could turn those stories into gossip at a sleepover or into some kind of dating game show. Also there was this really good idea I found on Tumblr that I posted a picture of below that I think would be fun to try!
(Information found at

(Photo from Tumblr)

Aesop's Fables

One of the storybooks I liked was about Aesop's Fables. I like that they end all nice and wrapped up with a message at the end giving you endless possibilities to tell them how you wish. I want to learn more about the messages of the fables and how certain elements of them were chosen. I want to know why a lion was chosen for so many stories and I guess just why animals, in general, are more prevalent. I like that they read like children's books and if I were artsy in anyway I would try to make a storybook that involved my own illustrations (feel free to steal that idea artsy people). I think a good way to tell these stories would be like a friend who only gives advice in fables, then the people he was giving the advice to would end up reliving the fable causing them to figure out the message of the advice. It could end up being really funny because you could have people actively avoid him when they need advice but he finds them anyways or some more genre savvy people would seek him out just to get things over with. 
(Information found at Aesop's Books)

Moon Stories

There is something very intriguing to me about the moon stories. I like that every culture has stories about the moon whether they be about how it came to be or their specific moon worship. A lot of cultures are on a lunar calendar rather than a calendar based on the sun. It also seems like most cultures have a female deity for the moon which I want to know more about. Is the moon just inherently more female? According to Wikipedia, the sun and moon deities are usually opposite genders, so if a culture has a male lunar god then they have a female sun goddess. Those could be interesting stories to tell, kind of a battle of the sexes type thing. Maybe the female solar and lunar deities hang out and talk about their male counter part and how each culture treats them. 
(Information found at Wikipedia)

(photo from imgur)

Weather Gods

Continuing with the common theme here of gods, I've taken an interest in the weather gods. Like the lunar deities, every culture seems to have their own weather deities and I would like to find out how they came to be. I think it would be fun to have a weather report done by the gods and they talk about old myths in passing. For example, if Greece was experiencing a big heat wave then the new caster could reference the last time Apollo did this and it happens to be a classic myth. Each story would be about a different culture and their weather gods.
(Information from Wikipedia)

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