Sunday, September 10, 2017

Feedback Strategies

(Photo from green egg media)

Presence, Not Praise

I enjoyed this article because it referenced the idea of growth mindset and we all know how excited I get about that topic. I find it interesting how many articles aren't about giving someone negative feedback badly but are about feedback that most people wouldn't see as harmful to a person. It just shows that there is a really fine line between giving the proper balance of criticism so as not to hurt a person's self esteem but also not giving them undue praise.
(Read the full article at Presence, Not Praise)

Try Feedforward Instead of Feedback

This article attracted me because of the concept of looking forward. When we often think of feedback we do think of things to change in the future, but it's by referencing everything you did wrong in the past which doesn't exactly pump you up to fix things in the future. All you can remember with criticism isn't what you can do to fix a situation, it's what everyone said you did badly. This feedforward thing is really cool in that it's all just suggestions coming from a nonbiased perspective. If you are saying you want to be a better listener, nobody is going to say you interrupt a lot so maybe try not interrupting, instead all they are saying is good listeners don't interrupt. It doesn't seem like such a personal attack.
(Read the full article at Try Feedforward Instead of Feedback)

1 comment:

  1. I did not even notice that 'feedfoward instead of feedback' article on the list. That sounds like an incredible idea. It seems almost logical to me that if we are taking the time to give someone advice then 1. It should be genuine and 2. It should focus on what they can do better next time, rather than what was wrong with the last attempt. I think one of the greatest strengths of giving feedback is all the opportunity for growth. If given properly, then feedback could be such a helpful tool for any kinds of personal growth.
